Monday, 16 May 2011

International Exchange Programme Dance4 and Dance Ireland Presentation

International Exchange Programme Dance4 and Dance Ireland

Mawson- Raffalt + Faulder- Mawson

) + ( = ao

Research Series: Silence and Activity 1-14 May 2011

With the residency at a close and the studio back to an open space awaiting artists to use the space creatively, I am going talk about the inspiring presentation that took place 12 May 2011 at Dance4.

During the Dance4 residency the artists focused on the EXPERIENCE of an art environment, with their main aim being 'to give, inspire and transform'.

And they certainly did...following on from the residency, a small audience was invited to an informal presentation to experience intimacy, direct contact, (self) reflection and dialogue.

The presentation lasted about 80 minutes long and took place in the Dance4 studio. From first walking into the studio is was clear to see that the artists were working on points in space, with focus on the shapes of a square and a circle. The artist also used lighting, projection of a video, sound, voice, grids made with tape, text cards and movement. All of these elements were used to create a presentation that offered elements of a performance, lecture and installation within the same presentation.

The artists quoted in a previous blog that their piece offered a 'dynamic power of silence'. As an audience member this became very clear. The piece aloud my mind to constantly question, discover and explore the points in space that the artists were using and traveling from. The use walking forwards and backwards in slow motion was brilliantly done. It allowed the eyes to focus on the in between spaces and the small details that maybe are not always obvious or made vulnerable for the audience to see.

I enjoyed the fact that the artists did not make eye contact throughout the piece and related to each other by strictly feeling and sensing the others presence. The artists eyes were closed at times which allowed this connection and relationship to appear even stronger.

The use of voice emphasised the strong connection between the two artists. I felt a sense of play within the words and the timing of each word spoken was crucial in order to work. The words spoken played a powerful part within the piece and allowed you to interpret them in your own way.

The energy within the piece made a huge impact on the audience which progressed through out the piece. An atmosphere was created and I left the room feeling inspired, calm and content.

It was lovely to have the opportunity to speak to the artist after the presentation and have insight into the creating of the piece as well as ideas that are to follow and be apart of the piece.

Where next?

Mawson- Raffalt + Faulder- Mawson ) + ( = ao will be in Schloss Broellin, Germany in June!

Definitely worth experiencing and being apart of.

Thank you for coming to Dance4 and bringing lots of lovely smells with you!


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